

6 Posts
Personal Workspaces in Times of Fabric

Personal Workspaces in Times of Fabric

From time to time, there is a need to talk about the possibilities, benefits, and dark sides that personal workspaces, aka "My workspace," bring.



As your Power BI / Microsoft Fabric Service grows, the need arises for you to be able to divide the content in a little more detail (e.g., which division/department should have access to the given data)

Dataflows refresh monitoring

Dataflows refresh monitoring

Dataflows have been with us in Power BI for some time now, and people have gotten more used to them. However, as their popularity grows, so does the need to control them.

Restrict Power BI Integration Button in Microsoft Lists

Restrict Power BI Integration Button in Microsoft Lists

Power BI and integration to Sharepoint Lists have been with us for some time. Some can turn them on, or only specific groups of users can access them. But what to do if we have an open company policy so that everyone can use it, but then we have a specific List for which we would instead not show the integration? A JSON schema definition will help us.

Power Query vs. Power BI Rest API

Power Query vs. Power BI Rest API

The Power BI Service hides data that is not visible at first peek but can help us control the Service and properly check whether there are any irregularities. It may sound a bit recursive, but let's get this data into Power BI using Power Query so we can start creating reports from it. Why to leave your favorite tool when there is no need for that at all.

Rebinding Power BI Reports to Different Dataset

Rebinding Power BI Reports to Different Dataset

Duplicate Power BI Dataset, from which colleagues have already managed to make their reports? Doesn't that sound scary? Personally yes!